Robert V. Wolf
Senior Advisor, Writing
- Administration
Robert V. Wolf works with staff across the Center to create written materials to promote the organization's work and advocate for justice reform. Rob's writing has appeared in anthologies and numerous publications, including the New York Times, The Justice System Journal, National Black Law Journal, Crime & Justice International, Judicature, The Judges' Journal, International Review of Law Computers & Technology, New York State Bar Association Journal, and Texas Journal of Corrections. Before joining the Center in 1999, Rob worked as a reporter, columnist, and editor for the Staten Island Advance and a reporter for the East Hampton Star. His book "The Jury System" was honored by the New York Public Library as one of its recommended "Books for the Teen Age," and his work for the Center has received awards from the National Council on Crime and Delinquency and the Best Short Competition. He directed the video From Defendant to Survivor: How Courts are Responding to Human Trafficking, which was awarded Best Documentary in the Orlando Human Trafficking Awareness Film Festival. He also directed What Does Reintegration Mean to You? which was selected by American Indian Film Institute for inclusion in the 42nd annual American Indian Film Festival. He is the founding host of the Center's New Thinking podcast and currently hosts In Practice.
Publications Results
- In Practice | Creating Holistic Abusive Partner Intervention Programming: A View of the Field
- In Practice | When Public Transportation, Police, and Homelessness Intersect: Supporting a Vulnerable Population
- In Practice | Addressing Housing Insecurity Among Justice-Involved Veterans
- 25 Years: Transforming Justice Together
- Helping Tenants Help Themselves: Spotlight on Housing Resource Centers
- In Practice | The Intersection Of Gun And Intimate Partner Violence: A Conversation about the RISE Project
- In Practice | Virtual Court: Barriers to Access and Fairness at Initial Appearances
- In Practice | Taking Stalking Seriously: A Conversation with Jennifer Landhuis
- In Practice | Courts Respond as COVID-19 Fuels Rise in Domestic Violence
- In Practice | COVID-19 and the Challenge for Court-Involved Families
- In Practice | Drug Courts in the Time of COVID-19
- Judging Violence: The Miami-Dade County Domestic Violence Court
- In Practice | Taking a Holistic Approach with Domestic Violence Offenders
- What Investment Would You Make to Improve Criminal Justice in New York City?
- Midtown Community Court Celebrates 25 Years in New York City
- Welcome to the Newark Youth Court
- Leading by Doing: Innovations in Addressing Domestic Violence in Rural Virginia
- From Defendant to Survivor: How Courts are Responding to Human Trafficking
- Financial Insecurity and Domestic Violence: A Conversation about Child Support
- How the Law Intersects with Everyday Life: Promoting Access to Civil Justice
- Winnebago County Domestic Violence Coordinated Courts: Working with the Community to Address Family Violence
- Kansas City Domestic Violence Court: Assessing Risk, Addressing Needs
- Ada County Domestic Violence Court: Lessons from Boise, Idaho
- Dallas County Criminal Court 10 and the Response to Family Violence
- Improving Access to Justice in Housing Court: A Conversation with Jordan Dressler
- Using Volunteers to Evaluate the Courtroom Experience: A Conversation about Court Watch of King County, Wash.
- How Can Lawyers Help Address Poverty and Eviction? A Conversation with Law Professor Raymond Brescia
- Houston's SAFE Court Offers Victims of Human Trafficking a New Path
- Taking a Collaborative Approach to Addressing Racial and Ethnic Disparities in the Justice System
- Alternatives to Incarceration: The New York Story
- Smart Prosecution Practices: Seven Recommendations to Integrate Science and Justice
- The Red Hook Peacemaking Program
- What is Community Prosecution? An Excerpt from Encyclopedia of Community Policing and Problem Solving
- Widening the Circle: Can Peacemaking Work in Non-Tribal Communities?
- Peacemaking Today: Highlights of a Roundtable Discussion Among Tribal and State Practitioners
- 'The Public Wants to be Involved': A Roundtable Conversation about Community and Restorative Justice
- Law Enforcement and Public Health: Sharing Resources and Strategies to Make Communities Safer
- State and Tribal Court: Strategies for Bridging the Divide
- Community Prosecution and Serious Crime: A Guide for Prosecutors
- Reentry Courts: Looking Ahead: A Conversation about Strategies for Offender Reintegration
- A Full Response to an Empty House: Public Safety Strategies for Addressing Mortgage Fraud and the Foreclosure Crisis
- Addressing Foreclosed and Abandoned Properties
- Race, Bias, and Problem-Solving Courts
- Elizabeth “Libby” Pollard Hines, Judge, Domestic Violence Docket, Ann Arbor, Michigan
- Neighborhood Knowledge: Community Prosecution in Washington D.C.
- 'A New Way of Doing Business': A Conversation about the Statewide Coordination of Problem-Solving Courts
- Community Justice: An International Overview
- Principles of Problem-Solving Justice
- Expanding the Use of Problem Solving: The U.S. Department of Justice’s Community-Based Problem-Solving Criminal Justice Initiative
- Don’t Reinvent the Wheel: Lessons from Problem-Solving Courts
- Breaking with Tradition: Introducing Problem Solving in Conventional Courts
- Community Justice Around the Globe: An International Overview
- How Do We Pay for That? Sustaining Community Prosecution on a Tight Budget
- California's Collaborative Justice Courts: Building a Problem-Solving Judiciary
- Planning a Domestic Violence Court: The New York State Experience
- Beyond Big Cities: The Problem-Solving Innovations of Community Prosecutors in Smaller Jurisdictions
- Public Safety and National Service
- The Future of Drug Courts: How States are Mainstreaming the Drug Court Model
- Drug Treatment, Managed Care and the Courts: From Conflict to Collaboration
- Lessons from the Field: Ten Community Prosecution Leadership Profiles
- Problem-Solving Probation: An Overview of Four Community-Based Experiments
- Women and Addiction: Challenges for Drug Court Practitioners
- New Strategies for an Old Profession: A Court and a Community Combat a Streetwalking Epidemic
- The Prosecutor as Problem-Solver: An Overview of Community Prosecution
- Defining the Problem: Using Data to Plan a Community Justice Project