We put communities at the heart of delivering justice and safety.
Community Justice is a full-spectrum approach to building safety and racial justice that runs from communities to systems and back again, reducing the harms of both crime and overreliance on traditional responses like incarceration. Community Justice bridges courts, government, and communities, increasing communication, understanding, and trust. Building on the foundation of our first community court in Midtown, we have co-created solutions with a wide range of partners—courts, community members, local businesses, service providers, and people with lived experience in the justice system.
From alternatives to incarceration for people charged with serious offenses to initiatives that empower communities economically, we bring everyone to the table to find evidence-based solutions to complex problems while boosting public trust in the justice system. Our decades of experience working hand in hand with courts and communities in New York and New Jersey help us drive Community Justice nationwide and around the world.
Bronx Community Solutions
Bronx Community Solutions provides community-based alternatives to jail, restores community relationships, and helps participants avoid further criminal justice involvement.
Brooklyn Young Adult Court
The Brooklyn Young Adult Court seeks to provide meaningful alternatives to conventional prosecution for young people, ages 18 to 24, charged with misdemeanors.
Brownsville Community Justice Center
The Brownsville Community Justice Center strives to identify and combat the socioeconomic challenges impacting the neighborhood, community, and residents of Brownsville, Brooklyn, in New York.
Harlem Community Justice Center
The Harlem Community Justice Center is a neighborhood-based community court committed to bridging the gap between the court and community to achieve fairness and systematic equity in housing, commu
International Community Court Conferences
Every two years, we bring together passionate people dedicated to innovations in community justice.
Midtown Community Justice Center
The award-winning Midtown Community Justice Center (formerly Midtown Community Court) is one of the country’s first problem-solving courts.
Newark Community Solutions
Newark Community Solutions improves public safety in Newark, NJ, through alternative sentencing programs in the Newark Municipal Court, youth-based services, housing justice initiatives, and other
Red Hook Community Justice Center
The nation's first multi-jurisdictional community court, the Red Hook Community Justice Center seeks to solve neighborhood problems in southwest Brooklyn.
The Bronx Community Justice Center works to create a safer, more equitable Bronx through community-driven public safety initiatives, youth opportunity, and economic mobility efforts focused in the South Bronx. Our vision is to support the South Bronx community to become a safe and thriving place where local ownership, community-led investment, and youth opportunity can flourish. The Bronx Community Justice Center works toward this vision by focusing on community safety, restorative practices, and youth and economic development.
As the COVID-19 pandemic forced organizations and institutions to shift to operating remotely, disparities driven by the digital divide became a shared problem across major cross-sector systems important to a community’s well-being. The Health, Housing, and Justice Alliance sought to eliminate inequities of fully virtual legal, healthcare, and social services through the creation of pop-up navigation centers and court hubs throughout Newark, New Jersey.
Kristina Singleton works on diverting people from court into supportive or educational programming. Among the programs she works with at the Midtown Community Court are Project Reset, which offers those charged with a low-level crime the chance to avoid court and a criminal record by completing community-based programming, and a recently launched youth gun-diversion program for young people who have been arrested on gun possession charges.
For 25 years, the Red Hook Community Justice Center has helped shrink the footprint of the justice system and create restorative solutions to local challenges for the Red Hook community. The Justice Center is home to a courthouse, but it’s also much more than that—a hub for services and support for residents in need, whether they have a court case or not. In amNY, hear from our staff and Presiding Judge Devin Robinson on how the Red Hook Community Justice Center is transforming what justice looks like in Red Hook and surrounding neighborhoods in Brooklyn.
Municipal courts too often create cycles of harm that can get people entangled in the justice system, but they also have the potential to deliver justice in ways that respond to communities’ needs.