Domestic Violence Training for Your Community

We train thousands of professionals each year on improving their approach to domestic violence, sexual abuse, dating violence, and stalking. We work with you to target the specific needs of your court and community to provide concrete strategies to enhance daily practice.
Interested in bringing training opportunities to your courts and community? Contact us at Review our catalog of resources and recorded trainings.
Tips for Designing Training
Justice-for-Families sites looking to improve their capacity to design and deliver trainings can access our comprehensive resources and step-by-step guides.
Needs Assessment
Sometimes trainings miss the mark. They may fail to address priority topics, offer content irrelevant to participants' roles, or lack sufficient practical strategies, which is why it’s critical to learn as much as possible about the current system's response to domestic violence. Conducting a needs assessment is a critical step in evaluating your site’s training needs and priorities.
Watch this short video to learn more about the role needs assessments play in training design.
Learning Activities
How do you make sure your training is interactive and engages participants with a variety of learning styles? How do you decide which learning activities are the most appropriate?
This short video provides more information on how learners learn best.
Engaging Stakeholders
Engaging stakeholders is a critical yet often overlooked element of delivering effective training programs. The more comprehensive your stakeholder outreach, the better you’ll be able to address gaps in your community’s response to domestic violence through training. What does that look like?
This tipsheet will help guide you through the process of stakeholder collaboration in your next domestic violence training.
Practice Guide
For a more detailed look at designing and delivering training programs, check out the Center’s publication Planning Domestic Violence Training Programs for Your Community. This comprehensive guide contains ideas and recommendations developed to assist courts and communities in all phases of developing and implementing domestic violence training programs that specifically target adult learners.
Podcast Series: Facilitating Complex Topics with Complex Audiences
Anyone who has led or even attended a training has likely witnessed challenging moments between facilitators and participants. When facilitating conversations around intimate partner violence, these challenges can range from hostile audiences, victim-blaming language, stereotyping, and more. Preparing yourself and your co-facilitators beforehand is key to maintaining a safe and productive space for learning.
Hosted by the Center for Justice Innovation and Futures Without Violence, this podcast series examines common facilitation challenges when engaging participants on intimate partner violence. You’ll hear strategies to collaborate with judges and court staff, prepare yourself for complex topics, and safely approach intimate partner violence in adult education.
Educating Court Staff on Domestic Violence
Oftentimes, court staff is the first point of contact for both survivors and people who cause harm, illustrating the need for court-based training and education on domestic violence. The following training videos provide a short introduction for busy frontline court staff to learn about domestic violence dynamics.
For court administrators in positions of leadership, we offer a comprehensive, multi-day in-person training called “Enhancing the Court Process for Domestic Violence Litigants.” Join our email list to receive information about upcoming training dates.