Judicial Engagement Network

Engaging judges and fostering judicial leadership is key to enhancing system-wide responses to domestic violence and sexual assault.
As part of our national work providing expert assistance to courts and communities looking to implement or improve specialized, court-based responses to domestic violence, we've partnered with the National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges to create the Judicial Engagement Network to strengthen judicial leadership on domestic violence.
Associate Justice Anne K. McKeig of the Minnesota Supreme Court talks about the importance of judicial leadership and having a diverse bench.
With support from the Office on Violence Against Women, the network engages and connects judges on a regular basis to foster leadership skills, facilitate peer-to-peer support, promote cutting-edge best practices, increase access to justice, and provide resources for continuing judicial education in order to improve responses to domestic and teen dating violence, sexual assault, and stalking. With additional funding from the Office of Violence Against Women, we are also preparing to conduct original research on the impact and importance of judicial leadership to enhancing system-wide responses to domestic violence.
Please contact us to find out more about the Judicial Engagement Network or any other aspect of our domestic violence work. For more information, visit the Network's website.

Members of this fellowship program exchange ideas on building diverse collaborative teams. From left are Judge James Brown of Columbus, Ohio; Family Court Referee Mary Madden of Minneapolis, Minn.; Judge Lee Chitwood of Pulaski, Virg.; and Judge Statia Hendrix of Scottsdale, Ariz.