Brownsville Community Justice Center

The Be On Belmont festival celebrates a community-led revitalization of a historic commercial corridor. The transformation was recognized with an Excellence Award from the Center for Active Design.
At an NYC Media Lab panel, John Bryant explains the Justice Center's use of in-house designed technology to solve community problems and engage young people. You can also listen to a profile of the tech lab from WNYC.
The Justice Center's Brownsville Photography Program allows students to explore the power of visual imagery under the tutelage of professional photographers.
Brooklyn Borough President Eric Adams gets an introduction to a new augmented reality app created by a team of young coders at the Justice Center.
Over the past 13 years, the Justice Center has established an array of diverse partnerships in the community, each which play an important role in serving the community, including: Pitkin Avenue Business Improvement District, Central Brooklyn Economic Development Corporation, Youth Design Center, Churches United for Fair Housing, Equality for Flatbush, BRIC Arts Media, Bridge Street Corporation, Brooklyn Festival of Arts and Music, Brownsville Partnership, Immanuel Oni, East New York Community Land Trust, Brownsville Community Land Trust, Brooklyn Cooperative, Brooklyn Movement Center, Brownsville Community Culinary Center, 212 and Co, The Horticultural Society, Coro New York, Urban Design Forum, Design Trust for Public Space, Street Lab, New York Women’s Foundation, HIVE Public Space, JP Morgan and Chase, L+M Developers, Blue Sea Development, Brownsville In Violence Out (B.I.V.O), BMS Family Health and Wellness Centers, Brooklyn Perinatal Network, SCO Family of Services and Center for Urban Pedagogy.