Driver Accountability Program

A whiteboard explains risky driving in the Driver Accountability Program at Red Hook Community Justice Center
Driver Accountability Program secondary logo square
The course impacted the way I think and the way I view driving. I realized how often I didn’t think of the more serious consequences of driving, and I will try to be more careful in the future because I don’t want to hurt anyone.
Program Participant

Publications & Digital Media

Publications Results

  • Label:Publication

    Circles for Safe Streets: Driver Accountability Through Restorative Justice

    Circles for Safe Streets, a pilot project of the Center for Court Innovation in partnership with Families for Safe Streets, provides a restorative justice response to vehicular crimes resulting in serious injury or death. The program builds on the Center’s work in both Driver Accountability and Restorative Justice, offering an avenue to support both victims and drivers.

  • Label:Publication

    The Driver Accountability Program: A Participant-Focused Evaluation

    In recent years, New York City has seen a steady and alarming increase in traffic-related fatalities. In 2021, the city saw over 50,000 traffic-related injuries and 273 traffic fatalities, marking a record high in fatalities since the Vision Zero NYC legislation was launched in 2014. Traditional legal system responses to driving-related incidents such as fines or incarceration not only fail to address the root problems but also frequently result in increased socioeconomic and racial disparities.

  • Label:Publication

    Fact Sheet: Driver Accountability Program

    The Driver Accountability Program is an innovative response to driving-related offenses that seeks to improve traffic safety and increase accountability among dangerous drivers. The program is rooted in principles of restorative justice, self-reflection, and self-empowerment. With support from New York City Council, the Center for Justice Innovation operates the program in all five boroughs, playing a critical role in reducing systemic harms caused by fines, criminal convictions, and incarceration.

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