Los Angeles County

Staff working in the LA County Courthouse

Our Impact

  • 96% of graduates have had no further contact with the criminal justice system

  • 1,300 clinical assessments completed in the Rapid Diversion Program

  • 450 cases have been diverted in the Rapid Diversion Program

LA County Courthouse
This case was a wake up call to take my symptoms seriously and to take my medication. Whenever I feel weak I have people I can reach out to. I’m very thankful for them. I now have healthier habits and I feel optimistic.
A 2021 Rapid Diversion Program (RDP) Graduate

Publications & Digital Media

Publications Results

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Press Results

  • L.A. criminal court program diverts mentally ill offenders from prosecution

    Los Angeles Times

    Los Angeles County’s jails house a staggering number of people with mental illnesses, where these conditions go untreated and can even get worse. Under the county’s Rapid Diversion Program, operated in partnership with the Center, more than 1,500 people have been given the chance to receive treatment in their communities instead. So far, 350 people have graduated from the program to see their charges reduced or dropped.

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