Midtown Community Justice Center

9,627 cases handled at the Justice Center in 2018
$1.2M estimated annual savings to the justice system primarily due to the reduced use of jail
1M+ Defendants have performed more than 1 million hours of community service since the Justice Center's founding
When I visited Midtown Community Justice Center, I was really amazed by the programs and the excellent results. People were given real assistance that helped divert them from the criminal justice system, which is exactly what we want.
Midtown Community Justice Center staff, including Judge Charlotte Davidson (far right), gather outside the courthouse as part of the festivities marking the Court's first quarter-century of operations.
The Midtown Community Justice Center hosts a police-community forum at James Baldwin School.
Midtown Community Justice Center staff answer community members' questions during National Night Out Against Crime.
The Justice Center is operated as a public/private partnership among the New York State Unified Court System, the City of New York and the Center for Justice Innovation. During the Justice Center's pilot period, funding came from a mix of sources, including the federal government, local government and dozens of foundations and corporations. Social service and community service partners include dozens of community-based and government agencies.