Individualized Plans
Using the application, court staff can construct a detailed plan for each youth. |
Graphic Indicators
Graphics are used to communicate "headline" information. Icons are used to indicate the status of an obligation (O=open, C=closed) and whether the obligation is a mandate from the court (M=mandatory, V=voluntary). Color is also used throughout the application. Green means "go" and everything is okay, while red means "stop" because something needs attention. |
Easy Updates
The judge can review each individual plan and make changes based on what happens at a hearing, specifying milestones for educational achievements, requirements for participation in treatment, and meetings with probation officers or case managers. The updated plan, reflecting these revisions, is then immediately accessible to the full team. |
Long-term Engagement
It would be overwhelming to have all historical
information displayed for the user. Instead, the page displays a link to "history," through which the user can quickly get in-depth historical information. |