2024 Abusive Partner Intervention Conference - Plenaries
The Prism of Intersectionality: Enhancing Abusive Partner Intervention Programming through Addressing Difference
Moderator: Juan Carlos Arean (Futures Without Violence)
Faculty: Gretta Gardner (Ujima), Kalei Kanuha (University of Washington School of Social Work), Catherine Shugrue dos Santos (SdS Consulting)
These panelists have well over 100 years of combined experience centering an intersectional lens in the anti-violence movement.
The panel provides an overview of intersectionality, an exploration of related key concepts, and examples of intersectional practices that can be incorporated into abusive partner intervention programs.
Beyond Binaries: Moving Towards an Inclusive Framework to Support Those Who Cause Harm
Moderator: Catherine Shugrue dos Santos (SdS Consulting)
Faculty: Kunane Dreier & Maddalynn Sesepasara (Hawaii Health & Harm Reduction Center), Barbara Gibson (Women's Resource Center to End Domestic Violence), Darlene Torres (NYC Anti-Violence Project)
In this panel, speakers discuss the importance of applying an intersectional lens when engaging women and members of the LGBTQIA+ community in programming.
The panel distinguishes between gender specific intervention and gender inclusive intervention while highlighting the need for different approaches to intimate partner violence intervention based on their experiences working with cisgender men, cisgender women, and people in the LGBTQIA+ communities.
Healing-Centered Practice: The Science of Trauma and Why It Matters in Our Work
Faculty: Terri Strodthoff (Alma Center)
This session explores trauma as another foundational concept to be incorporated into abusive partner intervention programming and outlines a process for healing-centered practices.
Where Are We Going?: Transforming Ourselves and the Work
Moderator: Juan Carlos Arean (Futures Without Violence)
Faculty: Gretta Gardner (Ujima), Kalei Kanuha (University of Washington School of Social Work), Catherine Shugrue dos Santos (SdS Consulting)
The final panel wraps up the conference with a discussion on the future of abusive partner intervention programs. Faculty discuss how programs and the field is transforming by including practices and approaches highlighted in the sessions and workshops throughout the conference. Faculty will also highlight where they hope to see the field go and how programs and facilitators can transform alongside the field.
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