Valerie Raine
At the Center, Valerie Raine assisted New York’s Unified Court System in developing and training drug treatment courts across New York State. She also oversaw the Statewide Drug Court Training & Technical Assistance initiative which is supported by the Bureau of Justice Assistance. From 1996 to 2000, she was project director of the Brooklyn Treatment Court, where she helped develop and manage New York City's first drug treatment court. She is the immediate past president of the New York Association of Drug Treatment Court Professionals and is a former member of the Board of Directors for the National Association of Drug Court Professionals. Ms. Raine created and taught a course on problem-solving justice at Fordham Law School, has served as faculty for the National Drug Court Institute and presented on drug treatment courts at numerous conferences over the past 16 years. Previously, she worked for 14 years at the Legal Aid Society, Criminal Defense Division in Kings County, where she was appointed attorney-in-charge in 1994. Ms. Raine is a graduate of Hunter College (1977) and the University of Virginia School of Law (1982).
Publications Results
- Felony Case Delay: Lessons from a Pilot Project in Brooklyn
- Indigent Defense Reforms in Brooklyn, New York: An Analysis of Mandatory Case Caps and Attorney Workload
- Estudio diagnóstico del Tribunal de Tratamiento de Adicciones de Guadalupe, Nuevo León, México: Observaciones y Recomendaciones (Translation into Spanish, English version separately available)
- From Drug Court to Classroom: Creating a Court to College Program (Practitioners Manual)
- From Drug Court to Classroom: Creating a Court to College Program (Trainers Manual)
- From Drug Court to Classroom: Creating a Court to College Program (Participants Manual)
- From Drug Court to Classroom: Creating a Court to College Program (Interns Manual)