Fatherhood - Additional Resources
- Practical Considerations for Parenting Interventions for Men who Batter (Scott and Mederos, 2012)
- Fathering After Violence: Working with Abusive Fathers in Supervised Visitation (Areán and Mederos, 2007)
- Exercises for Engaging Fathers Who Have Used Abuse (Family Violence Prevention Fund, 2004)
- Accountability and Connection With Abusive Men: A New Child Protection Response to Increasing Family Safety (Massachusetts Department of Social Services Domestic Violence Unit and Family Violence Prevention Fund, 2004)
- Podcast: Parenting Interventions for Men Who Batter (VawNet, 2016)
- Creating Opportunities for Safety and Change in Supervised Visitation Programs: A Policy Framework for Engaging Men Who Use Violence (Rose and McNamara, Inspire Action for Social Change; Davis and Kinnicutt, Futures Without Violence, 2015)
- Fathering After Violence: The Reparative Framework (Futures Without Violence)
- Preventing and Addressing Intimate Violence when Engaging Dads (PAIVED): Challenges, Successes, and Promising Practices from Responsible Fatherhood Programs (Karberg et al., Child Trends, Futures Without Violence, Boston Medical Center, 2020)
- Healing and Supporting Fathers: Principles, Practices, and Resources to Help Address and Prevent Domestic Violence in Fatherhood Programs, Resource 1: Ten Ways to Engage Fathers in Addressing and Preventing Domestic Violence (PAIVED Project, 2020)
- Healing and Supporting Fathers: Principles, Practices, and Resources to Help Address and Prevent Domestic Violence in Fatherhood Programs, Resource 2: Teachable Moments (PAIVED Project, 2020)
- Healing and Supporting Fathers: Principles, Practices, and Resources for Fatherhood Programs to Help Address and Prevent Domestic Violence (PAIVED Project, 2020)
- Domestic Violence Referral Guide for Fatherhood Program (PAIVED Project, 2020)
- Domestic Violence Prevention and Intervention in Fatherhood Programs (PAIVED Project, 2020)
- Six Ways Fatherhood Programs Can Successfully Parnter with DV Agencies and BIPs (PAIVED Project, 2020)
- Strong Fathers – This strengths-based intervention program is for fathers who have used violence. Strong Fathers aims to break the cycle of violence, help fathers learn how their behavior is influenced by their childhood, and promote positive behavior.
- Caring Dads – This intervention program is for fathers who have used violence. Caring Dads aims to help men be better fathers and have healthier co-parenting relationships. The 17-week program has providers in the United States, Europe, and Australia.
- Addressing Fatherhood with Men Who Batter – This curriculum provides resources for fathers who have used violence, including screenings, exercises, and information related to the impact of family violence on children and how to be nonviolent and supportive fathers and co-parents