The Westchester Court Education Initiative promotes educational stability and academic success for students involved in the Westchester Family Court.
The Westchester Court Education Initiative is located on-site in family court, and consists of two part-time education advisors with master’s-level expertise in education methodology, conflict resolution, child development, and federal and New York State laws. These education advisors consult with family court judges regarding the educational status of court-involved children and work collaboratively with parents/guardians to assist children in articulating and achieving educational goals. Each educational advisor provides the following services to participating young people:
Reviewing educational, attendance, and discipline records, with a focus on special education needs and entitlements.
Providing communication and coordination between family court judges, Department of Social Services, school districts, and attorneys in order to ensure educational stability.
Providing individual advocacy to court-involved children.
Providing community trainings for parents and professionals that work directly with youth.
Education advisors submit reports to the court for each family with whom they work. The program works with about 80 children each year.