Reducing Trauma News Archive

Press Results

  • Changemakers in Action: Kiran Malpe

    Kiran Malpe believes her role as clinical director for the Strong Starts Court Initiative is about “being a voice for the voiceless, the babies and young parents who often get lost in the shuffle."

  • "6a” State Law Could Release People from Rikers


    The "6a" portion of New York state law allows the release of some incarcerated people, those with less than a one-year sentence, into a work release program. "Inherently, jail sentences are not a public safety reducing practice," Mike Rempel, our director of jail reform says. "They tend to lead people to become homeless, lose their job, create trauma, which increases recidivism afterwards."

  • The Reasons for Youth Gun Use


    With shootings on the rise in cities across the U.S., our staff spoke with Brian Lehrer about the reasons young people carry guns, based on their report "Guns, Safety, and the Edge of Adulthood in New York City." Lehrer interviews Research Director, Rachel Swaner Deputy Research Director Elise White, and community-based Research Coordinator Basaime Spate, about the year-long study in NYC.

  • As Times Square Makes a Comeback, It’s Time to Help Those Still Struggling

    Many vulnerable individuals who are experiencing homelessness or are in need of other services are shuttled into the criminal justice system. In partnership with Fountain House, Breaking Ground, and the Times Square Alliance, a new community-led initiative in Times Square called Community First aims to interrupt this cycle by building trusting relationships, providing essentials, and learning more about the individual needs of our Midtown community members.

  • Why These Young Men Carry Guns

    The New York Times

    During a rise in gun violence in New York City, the New York Times looks to understand why. They share the findings from our year-long study in areas of New York with high rates of gun violence, showing that many people in those communities don’t feel protected by authority figures, including the police, and are facing cycles of trauma, violence, and systemic disinvestment in communities.