This 14-week law school course analyzes the benefits and challenges of problem-solving justice. In addition to looking at the history and constitutional issues surrounding this topic, the course includes visits to traditional and problem-solving courts.
The Blueprint for Change outlines a step by step process to build on the reforms underway in New York City Family Court by institutionalizing the problem-solving approach.
A judge describes his experience presiding over the Red Hook Community Justice Center. Published in the Bar Journal of the New York State Bar Association, June 2000.
A discussion of the lessons learned in going to scale with innovations in education and other fields, and what these lessons imply for state judiciaries as they seek to go to scale with problem-solving justice.
An overview of the Red Hook Community Justice Center and the lessons learned from the Justice Center's efforts at neighborhood engagement. Published in The Justice System Journal, Volume 26, No. 1 (2005)
A cross-borough comparison of prosecution and court processing practices for misdemeanor domestic violence cases. The study explores the views of different stakeholders--judges, defense attorneys, prosecutors and victim advocates--with most expressing support for a specialized domestic violence court model but concern for issues of victim safety and recidivism.
A brief article highlighting major findings and lessons concerning the potential to apply problem-solving practices in a more in-depth way throughout the courts. Longer versions of this research are available in other publications. Published in Judicature, Volume 89, No. 1 (2005).
An evaluation of the Brooklyn Youthful Offender Domestic Violence Court. Through a number of data sources including defendant and stakeholder interviews, the evaluation documents the planning and implementation process during the first 15 months of court operations.