Denise O'Donnell, director of the Bureau of Justice Assistance, delivers opening remarks on the first day of Community Justice 2014, an international summit on how to reduce crime and incarceration while improving public trust in justice.
Publication in the NIJ Journal No. 273 about how police chiefs, public health directors, and researchers are establishing innovative public health/public safety collaborations to fight crime.
In keynote remarks at Community Justice 2014, California Lt. Governor Gavin Newsom draws a parallel between community justice and internet innovations like Craig's List and Uber, praising them for their the bottom-up, customized approaches to doing business.
This report documents how the justice system currently handles 16- and 17-year-old defendants in New York State and presents an evaluation of the Adolescent Diversion Program, a pilot program that links these defendants to age-appropriate services in nine counties.
Based on a survey of 20 jurisdictions across the United States currently employing community advisory boards, this fact sheet provides guidance on establishing goals, a review of practical considerations, and examples of accomplishments from around the country.
In this New Thinking podcast, Los Angeles City Attorney Mike Feuer discusses his plans for community-based solutions to problems like truancy, gun violence, and prison overcrowding. (July 2014)
The juvenile justice system can be stressful and confusing for young people and their families. This 13-minute video supports families by answering some common questions: Who are the key people I may meet? Am I expected to appear in court with my child? What's going to happen to my child? What can I do as a family member to help?
Miguel Samper Strouss, the vice-minister of criminal policy and restorative justice in the Colombian Ministry of Justice and Law, discusses the challenge of returning law and order--and trust in justice and government--to the rural regions of his country that have been devastated by 50 years of guerrilla fighting. (June 2014)