This brief aims to inform school safety policy for the incoming mayoral administration of Bill de Blasio as well as other stakeholders in New York City. It describes changes in school safety practice, policy, and programs during the previous administration of Mayor Michael Bloomberg (2002-2013). The brief was funded by the New York City Center for Economic Opportunity and the Mayor's Office in late 2013.
This is an evaluation of a pilot project at the Milwaukee County Criminal Court intended to enhance defendant perceptions of procedural justice by improving the oral, written, and nonverbal communication used by judges. Courtroom observations measured an increase in the use of 14 practices inculding eye contact with defendants and the use of plain English to explain procedures and decisions.
The Bureau of Justice Assistance's initiative, Encouraging Innovation: Field-Initiated Programs, partners with the field to leverage existing ideas and expertise to address the critical gaps in Bureau programs and strategies. This report analyzes the program, finding that overall, the Bureau of Justice Assistance achieved its goal of generating new ideas and programs.
This fact sheet highlights five recommendations from a comprehensive evaluation of the Red Hook Community Justice Center by the National Center for State Courts, which concludes that criminal courts throughout the country could adopt practices honed in community courts—such as new assessment tools, enhanced monitoring of court orders, information technology, procedural justice efforts, and expanded sentencing options—to improve the
This video was made by the Robin Hood Foundation to honor the Center for Court Innovation as one of four 2013 Robin Hood Heroes. To learn more, or see the Center's list of awards, click here.
An overview of the Domestic Violence Online Petition Program, which seeks to improve victim safety by allowing a petitioner—with help from a trained domestic violence advocate—to use the internet to file the application for an order of protection.
The Midtown Community Court is a public/private partnership created in 1993 to apply innovative responses to quality-of-life offenses in and around Times Square. This video shows how the first community court in the country continues to adapt and thrive.
Ensuring meaningful access to justice for Limited English Proficient (LEP) litigants is an essential responsibility of the justice system. To gauge the status of language access services for litigants in domestic violence, sexual assault, dating violence, and stalking cases, the Center for Court Innovation and the National Center for State Courts conducted a needs assessment of courts, government agencies, and community-based organizations.
Andree Mattix, director of social services at Orleans Parish District Attorney's Office, discusses how a customized technology application helps her staff track data and clients in the D.A.'s diversion, victim-witness, and domestic violence programs.