QUEST Futures is a juvenile mental health initiative that seeks to establish a comprehensive, coordinated response to youth with mental illness involved in the juvenile justice system in Queens, New York. Here, researcher Josephine Hahn discusses the findings of an impact evaluation of the program. (February 2014)
Andree Mattix, director of social services at Orleans Parish District Attorney's Office, discusses how a customized technology application helps her staff track data and clients in the D.A.'s diversion, victim-witness, and domestic violence programs.
Chief Magistrate Judge Berryl Anderson of DeKalb County, Georgia discusses the lessons she has learned over the course of 21 years as an attorney and 13 years as a judge about working with victims of domestic violence and improving the justice system's response to intimate partner violence. July 2013
Acting Supreme Court Judge Kelly O'Neill Levy discusses her transition from Bronx Family Court to the Harlem Community Justice Center, where she applies problem-solving strategies to both family and housing cases. May 2013
Tania Sourdin, a professor of law and dispute resolution at Monash University in Melbourne, explains how the Australian Centre for Justice Innovation, which she directs, supports reform through research and experimental projects. March 2013
Jeff Hobbs, deputy director of the Midtown Community Court, remembers crime-ridden midtown Manhattan in 1993 and describes the start of the Midtown Community Court, an experimental project that sought to remedy the rampant quality-of-life crime in the area. "1993 was a terrible time," Hobbs recalls, "a time when crime was not cloaked under darkness but in broad daylight."
Christine H. Lindquist, a senior research sociologist at RTI International, talks about reentry courts, recidivism, and what she's learned so far from a multi-year study of eight diverse initiatives. April 2013
BBC Somerset interviews Aubrey Fox of the Centre for Justice Innovation about Bristol’s IMPACT program, an initiative that brings together criminal justice agencies to provide supervision and support to chronic offenders in Somerset.