Sociologist Andrew Papachristos focuses his studies on urban neighborhoods, social networks, street gangs, violent crime, and gun violence. As a Robert Wood Johnson Health and Society Scholar at Harvard University, Andrew will expand his use of network analysis to study crime in U.S. cities, paying particular attention to the way violence diffuses among populations of youth. During a break in a roundtable on collaborations between public health and public safety, he discusses how social network analysis can aid crime prevention.
Judge Joseph Gubbay explains how the Adolescent Diversion Program is expanding the justice system's options for dealing with 16- and 17-year-old defendants.
Kevin G. Kelly, deputy commissioner of NYC Business Customer Service in the New York City's Mayor Office, discusses how the city uses technology to improve efficiency and radically restructure how businesses interact with government.
Authors of new research about gun violence in Brooklyn, New York, Sarah Picard-Fritsche and Lenore Lebron discuss findings on Save Our Streets (S.O.S.) Crown Heights, an approach to gun violence prevention in the Crown Heights neighborhood.
Queens County (NY) Judge Fernando Camacho discusses why he created a prostitution diversion court that helps victims leave a life of prostitution by linking them to counseling and social services instead of sentencing them to jail time.
While on a visit to observe practices in New York City, Heather Munro, the chief executive of the London Probation Trust, takes a break to discuss the challenges facing probation in both the U.S. and the United Kingdom and new initiatives, including experiments in England and Wales with high-intensity community sentence projects (which is also the subject of a monograph by Centre for Justice Innovation's director Phil Bowen). November 2012
In this 2011 webinar, T.K. Logan, researcher in the Behavioral Science department at the University of Kentucky, presents findings from her recent Kentucky study on the effectiveness of civil protection orders. Her research indicates that civil protection orders play a role in increasing victim safety and are cost effective for state governments.
The Center for Court Innovation celebrated its 15th anniversary on Oct. 4, 2011 at the Chelsea Art Museum with the help of Mayor Michael Bloomberg, New York State Chief Judge Jonathan Lippman, Center Director Greg Berman, and Mayoral Advisor John Feinblatt, who was the evening's honoree.
T.J. Donovan, the state's attorney for Chittenden County, explains a new initiative in Burlington, Vermont, that mandates community restitution and participation in social services as alternatives to court or incarceration.