D. Alan Henry is director emeritus of the Pretrial Services Resource Center, based in Los Angeles. He has testified before numerous state and Congressional committees, written extensively about pretrial issues, and provided technical assistance in the areas of jail overcrowding, pretrial release, supervision, and diversion to state, local, and federal officials in both adult and juvenile systems. He spoke with Center staff about pretrial diversion.
The initial planning and implementation of the Oswego Sex Offense Court saw both challenges and benefits. The Honorable James McCarthy, the first of the New York State dedicated Sex Offense Court judges, discussed this planning process with the Center for Court Innovation:
A description of the Harlem Community Justice Center, a unique multi-jurisdictional community court that hears a mix of family and housing court cases.
An overview of why problem solving strategies are desirable and techniques practitioners can deploy to introduce these strategies in conventional courtrooms. Published in the International Review of Law, Computers & Technology, Vol. 22, Nos. 1-2.
A comprehensive process evaluation of the Queens Misdemeanor Treatment Court, a drug court for "persistent" misdemeanor offenders in Queens County, New York.
This study examines defendant perceptions of fairness at the Red Hook Community Justice Center. The report documents the importance of clear communication in the courtroom and the critical role of the judge in determining defendant perceptions of fairness.
A comprehensive process and impact evaluation of the Staten Island Treatment Court, a drug court for addicted, nonviolent defendants in Staten Island, New York.
Miriam Cyrulnik has been the presiding judge in the Youthful Offender Domestic Violence Court in Brooklyn, N.Y. since June 2004. She spoke with the Center for Court Innovation’s Carolyn Turgeon about her experiences.
Sherri Crock is the mental health court liaison for the Athens County Municipal Court Substance Abusing/Mentally Ill (SAMI) Court, which is designed to divert individuals with dual disorders of mental illness and substance abuse from incarceration by providing intensive community treatment and supervision. She spoke with Carolyn Turgeon of the Center for Court Innovation about the program.