Label:Publication Drugs, Courts and Neighborhoods: Community Reintegration and the Brooklyn Treatment Court A description of the lessons learned by the Brooklyn Treatment Court about re-integrating recovered addicts into the community. Treatment Courts, Reentry
Label:Publication Informed Decisions: Technology in the Courtroom An article describing the principles behind technology at the Center for Court Innovation's demonstration projects. Technology
Label:Publication Service and Safety: The Story of the Red Hook Public Safety Corps A description of the Red Hook Public Safety Corps, a community service project that engages local residents in solving neighborhood problems. Problem-Solving Justice, Youth Initiatives, Community Justice
Label:Publication Engaging the Community: A Guide for Community Justice Planners Tips for community justice planners about how to build stronger connections between neighborhoods and the criminal justice system. Problem-Solving Justice, Community Justice
Label:Publication Defining the Problem: Using Data to Plan a Community Justice Project A look at how community justice initiatives across the county have used concrete data to define local problems. Problem-Solving Justice, Community Justice
Label:Publication Hartford Community Court: Origins, Expectations, and Implementation The story of how a community court serving 17 neighborhoods and 135,000 residents was organized and launched. Problem-Solving Justice, Community Justice
Label:Publication How It Works: A Summary of Case Flow and Interventions at the Midtown Community Court A detailed description of how cases move through the Midtown Community Court. Problem-Solving Justice, Community Justice
Label:Publication Kids, Courts and Communities: Lessons from the Red Hook Youth Court A comprehensive look at a youth court in Brooklyn, including program structure, lessons learned, challenges and snapshots of real court cases. Problem-Solving Justice, Youth Initiatives, Youth Initiatives, Community Justice
Label:Publication The Midtown Community Court Experiment Published in Scams and Street Life: the Sociology of New York's Times Square. Robert P. McNamara, ed. Praeger: New York, 1995 Problem-Solving Justice, Community Justice
Label:Publication Overcoming Obstacles to Community Courts: A Summary of Workshop Proceedings Representatives of eight cities discuss how they have adapted the community court model to their neighborhoods' unique needs. Published by the Bureau of Justice Assistance, U.S. Department of Justice (November 1998) Problem-Solving Justice, Community Justice