This monograph highlights how new and innovative community courts are building on the drug court model, expanding the reach of problem-solving principles beyond specialized courtrooms and making a significant contribution to the fight against substance abuse.
An evaluation of the comprehensive drug screening and referral system launched by the Brooklyn Criminal Court in 2003. The evaluation found that the initiative led to a significantly larger and more diverse pool of defendants to be screened, referred, and enrolled in treatment.
A description of Community Impact Panels, a unique response to quality-of-life offenses piloted by the Midtown Community Court, published in Networks, the journal of the National Center for Victims of Crime. A longer version of the article is available here.
This podcast includes observations from the presiding judge, Alex Calabrese, and short interviews by Director of Communications Robert V. Wolf with the Brooklyn D.A.'s Chief Assistant District Attorney Anne Swern and Captain Kenneth Corey, commander of the 76th Precinct.
A manual to help justice practitioners communicate about their work with the public and key institutional stakeholders. Includes 10 key steps for effective communication, extensive links to on-line resources, and guides offering sample logos, brochures and flyers as well as practical tips for communication strategies like "Crafting a Core Message."
An overview of law enforcement and government responses to mortgage fraud, foreclosure, and abandoned property, drawing on focus groups sponsored by the Bureau of Justice Assistance in January 2009.
The strategies in this guide—which have been culled from real-life approaches across the U.S.—are intended to assist law enforcement and government agencies seeking to prevent property abandonment and lessen problems when abandonment occurs.